Tuesday, July 2, 2013

26 days..

Officially down to counting the weeks before I leave for Uganda. 26 days…that is all I have left here in the states before I venture off to Uganda for 7/8 months. July 28th I will step down back into the Entebbe airport.Thank you all to everyone who has supported me in your own way through my journey. It's crazy to believe it is has almost been a full year since I started this trek. This time last year I was getting ready to prepare to come back to the states and wondering if I would ever make it back to Uganda.  

I still have so much left to do to prepare for my trip. My mind is constantly racking with what I need to pack, documents I need to turn it, what I need to make photocopies of and how I am going to pack up my Greensboro life. I'm trying not to let it take over me. I still have 26 days left here to embrace friends and family. I still have  6 days left here in Mississippi to spend with Neil. It has been a good month here down in Mississippi. We were able to travel around Tennessee to see my extended family and see some of his friends from college. It was nice to get away for a bit. 

I'm anxious, nervous, excited, scared, and ecstatic all the time. It has been a real comfort to me to see pictures from those who are already over at Acheru. Seeing their photos reminds me of why I can't wait to be there…but at the same time I'm a nervous wreck with preparing to leave. 

Prayer points:

1. That I would remain confident in what the Lord has placed before me. Especially as the goodbye's begin. 

2. That my goodbye's will go smoothly. That I will feel okay with saying goodbye. Especially to family and to Neil. 

3. For Acheru. For the staff/family/children that are there now. For the Aafyo team that is there now serving amongst the Acheru staff. For Emmy and Aaron Brakhane (the couple that is at Acheru now and who will be living with me for 6 months). 

I was reading Emmy's blog the other day and I was reminded of a major point in being a missionary. Our reason for being there is not to "fix" a problem. Acheru has been and will be a self-functionary organization before, during and after my time there. I am not there to change anything…but instead I am there to be the hands and feet of God. I am there to learn and love.
This is what the grounds of Acheru looks like.

My family went rafting while in Tennessee. Quite the adventure!

Neil and I were able to visit friends in Nashville

My entire Family.

At the site of the 1996 Olympics for rafting.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you! You are going to have an awesome time there and will be such a blessing as you are the hands and feet of Jesus in Acheru. And just as He has prepared you for this time away, He will help you get everything finished up here too. And remember, it's not goodbye. It's just see you soon! Much love!
