Friday, January 10, 2014

Encouraging week of school!

:: Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"::
Matthew 19:14

This week was really fun at school.  We got to do a lot of hands on activities that kept the kids active for the entire school day!  In fact some days they would sit right beside me as I ate my lunch and say "Emmy..emmy...emmy, school time yet??" Such an encouragement as a teacher!

This week I also talked with teacher about starting a bible study for the kids. Together we taught the class and I think both of us were encouraged by it. We studied the story of Noah all week. I started with just reading the story on Tuesday and having the kids fill in the story with stickers. The following days we did various activities to go along with the story. We ended today with a fun relay of them "herding" animals on to the "boat" using plastic balls and straws. They also had a memory verse to remember for the week.  We agreed that they would learn it in English and I would learn it in Luganda. Each and everyone of the kids knew their verse! Even I learned it in Luganda!

 God said "I will never leave you!" Joshua 1:5

Katonda Ngamba nti "sirikuleka gwe" Yowsa 1:5

Learning our Abc's! This week it was the letter "A" and "T"

Using the 10 frames!

Abc memory match! One of their favorites.

Kids all over the world love their own personal white boards.

Even Daisy and her "baby" joined class!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Emily for your didication to our Savior!
