Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fleeing from anxiety.

As I sit here to write this post I have realized that it is only 4 weeks until I go home. I'm not even sure how to even begin to process this.

These past few weeks have been such a growing period for me. God has been teaching me a lot about just being still, being present, and not becoming anxious about the future. What a relief it is everyday to wake up and know that I don't have to worry about what is to happen. I don't have to worry about what I will do when I get home. As long as we are seeking Christ throughout our day, then we have done what we are suppose to. We don't have to fret about our plans, because it is only HIS plan that is important and he will lead us through it. 

:: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.::
 Matthew 6: 33-34

:: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus::
Phillipians 4:6-7


We are now into week three of our bible study with the kids. It has really been a continual encouragement to see how well it has been going. Everyday the seats are full and the kids are eager to hear the story. This past weekend they kept begging me for a new memory verse. By the time Monday came around they were all ears waiting to hear what the verse would be. 

I just continue to pray as new patients are coming in that this study will continue to be an encouragement to the kids. Especially as we have many kids coming from the north soon and have no translator for them. I just pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to speak through us. 

This weeks verse (after learning about the birth of Jesus):

Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever! 
Hebrews 13:8

Jesu Kristo yomu jo, leero nemirembe gyonna

Moses with his picture from last weeks study of Joseph.

Just a typical afternoon.

The kids love having dance parties on the veranda.

Patience. One of my youngest students!

Me with the girls! Catherine has finally been able to leave the bed!

Luke and the boys.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Encouraging week of school!

:: Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"::
Matthew 19:14

This week was really fun at school.  We got to do a lot of hands on activities that kept the kids active for the entire school day!  In fact some days they would sit right beside me as I ate my lunch and say "Emmy..emmy...emmy, school time yet??" Such an encouragement as a teacher!

This week I also talked with teacher about starting a bible study for the kids. Together we taught the class and I think both of us were encouraged by it. We studied the story of Noah all week. I started with just reading the story on Tuesday and having the kids fill in the story with stickers. The following days we did various activities to go along with the story. We ended today with a fun relay of them "herding" animals on to the "boat" using plastic balls and straws. They also had a memory verse to remember for the week.  We agreed that they would learn it in English and I would learn it in Luganda. Each and everyone of the kids knew their verse! Even I learned it in Luganda!

 God said "I will never leave you!" Joshua 1:5

Katonda Ngamba nti "sirikuleka gwe" Yowsa 1:5

Learning our Abc's! This week it was the letter "A" and "T"

Using the 10 frames!

Abc memory match! One of their favorites.

Kids all over the world love their own personal white boards.

Even Daisy and her "baby" joined class!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Holidays in Uganda!

:: Because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the path of PEACE:: 
                                               -Luke 1: 78-79

Just like in the states, we here in Uganda have finished the holiday season. The holiday season I knew would be the hardest for me with missing home. Knowing all my family would be together, friends would be getting together, and houses lit up with lights. Though we didn't have lights around Acheru we did decorate the place with banners, balloons, and even a Christmas tree! 

For Christmas at Acheru Luke and I decided to once again serve a large meal for everyone here. We had many friends come and help with the cooking. Reacho, Auntie Maggie, and I spent the whole afternoon making chapatis (pretty much a tortilla). Luke, Tom, and some of the moms spent the afternoon making potatoes, chicken, and rice. It was nice to come together as a group and fix a meal together.

After lunch Luke and I passed out the presents we got for all the kids and caregivers. Again it was just a time for us to show our appreciation for all they do for us here. It was a lot of fun to watch the kids open their small gifts. They were so excited to receive their small gift. It was as if we had just given them a million dollars (or a million shillings here). 

At the end of the day I was humbled by how the community of Acheru came together to celebrate this day as a family. Even though I was missing family I had to remind myself that all of us here were away from our families. The patients were not able to go home, the staff had to stay here, and the caregivers could not go home. It was nice to come together as the Acheru family to celebrate this day!

Reacho and I making Chipatis!

Martin's family!

Since Catherine couldn't come to the celebration, I brought it to her.

For New Years I was at the Central Region's conference. Here all the missionaries with AIM in the central region (Uganda, South Sudan, Chad, Congo, Rwanda) got together. It was nice to all be around each other sharing in our struggles and our praises in our various ministries. Everyday the Lord was teaching me something new and I left feeling so encouraged and also challenged to really be a true disciple of Christ. 

I have now been back at Acheru for a few days. I have been spending most of my time with the patient Catherine. Right before Christmas Catherine fell off the swing and broke her leg that had just recently gone through a bone transfer. Due to the fixator on her leg we were not able to cast her leg. Our orthopedic officer, Johnson, had to come up with a way to keep her leg set so the broken bone could re-set itself. Unfortunately for Catherine this means she is on bed rest for at least 3 weeks. I have made it a priority of mine to spend time with Catherine each and every day. 

Catherine is a little girl who has had my heart since the day she arrived. I previously wrote a post inspired by her. I never have been able to really know where her heart lies with Jesus mainly because she speaks very little English. And then today as we were just sitting on her bed shading in different pictures of animals, she looks up at me with the biggest smile on her face and says "Jesus". That's all. Plain and simple. "Jesus". I took that opportunity to respond plain and simple "He loves you". Afterwards we spent about 5 minutes singing "Jesus loves me".  Only Christ knows where her heart lies but I will continue to pray that God will work in her heart and in her life in a miraculous way. 

Love this girl. Catherine.