July 27th….my departure date for Uganda. With a set date here, I find myself with such mixed emotions. On the one hand I am so ecstatic about leaving. Returning to a place where I have felt such freedom and joy. A place where I know there are so many smiling faces that I can't wait to surround in massive loving hugs. A place that for a short period of my life I call home. On the other hand, I find myself becoming scared of leaving my home.
Its been a hard week emotionally for me. I have had to prepare myself for goodbyes all week at work. Saying good bye to the kids I have invested four years of my life into. The co workers who have been there from the very beginning of my teaching career. It's always hard to say goodbye for summer, but this time it's for so much longer…possibly forever. I'm having to pack up my classroom and my house all at the same time.
I called my mother and she instantly knew something was wrong. I've never been one that was a good at hiding when I've been crying. As she always does, she let me cry on the phone and comforted me in my sadness. Reminding me that though this is a scary transition (and no one can say its not), I know that I am following what I feel God has placed on my heart and these are the times where its imperative that we trust in Him. That's really all I can do. I know these next two months are going to be one big whirlwind of emotions. I am anticipating many more nights where I call my mom freaking out, but I ultimately will calm myself down knowing that I am not alone in this. Not only do I have the support of so many people here, but I know God is right beside me giving me the strength I lack.
Psalms 16: 8-10 " I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave."
The kindergarten class I worked in this year. What a crazy year we had, but I love each and everyone of these sweet faces.
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