Saturday, September 28, 2013

Living and working together.

:: May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them::    -Matthew 17:23

Unity… this word has been popping up in my mind all week long. We recently had a retreat for the Kampala unit missionaries within AIM. During our weekend retreat our focus was on teams. What are positive aspects to working in a team, what are negative aspects to working in a team, and what are some biblical references to teamwork. 

It made me realize how there are all different teams here at Acheru. Not only do we have the staff as a whole team, but each part of this staff is their own team. The nurses, the administration, the kitchen staff, the security, the teaching staff, and the maintenance staff. Acheru would not be able to function with the absence of any of these teams. It just wouldn't work the same. Without the kitchen staff we wouldn't have food, without the nurses no one would get their dressings changed, without the administration funding wouldn't happen, without teaching the children wouldn't learn, etc. 

I got to thinking about how the body of Christ is just like Acheru. We are told in Ephesians 4:16 and again in 1st Corinthians 12: 12-31, that the body of Christ is made up in many parts (us). "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts, and though all its parts are many, they form one body." This body would not function without every single part. 1st Corinthians 12:27 states "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."  

With this body we are told to go out and show Christ's love. If we are not united together and loving one another, we can not show the love of Christ. As a staff here at Acheru we need to work together to be united in all our different parts and show the love of Christ. If we don't, then our team won't work. If we are not doing everything in HIS name, we can not show the love of Christ. Our body won't work.  We must be united in the same love. HIS love.

On a side note…this week at Acheru has been good. None of the kids have been discharged so the classroom has been full. I have seen a lot of progress in some of my students. It's so awesome to see them progress. We are nearly finished with knowing the days of the week! We celebrated our house mothers birthday on Thursday. We invited her over for dinner and had made brownies for her. Birthdays are not normally celebrated here in Uganda. A lot of the time people aren't even to sure about when their actual birthday is. It was nice to share with Margret a little bit of American tradition with birthdays. We also started to complete our painting job on the PT wall. We had the children come and paint their hand prints to be the flower petals. It's been a busy week at Acheru!

Justine (our cook) and her daughter Resty.

Planting some G-Nuts with the mamas!

Jemimah putting her hand up.

Painting day!

Margret and Daisy.

Fiona and Ebenezer

One day we had a 20 minute sing a long with the kids from the north.

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