Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Living life with teenagers!

So it has been a little over a month since I returned from Uganda. It's crazy to think it has only been one month! I miss it everyday but everyday here gets a little easier. Tomorrow I will get to Skype with everyone there. I'm so excited! Acheru has received a lot more kids from the north recently and they have also built their new kitchen!

I have now started my new job at Thornwell children's home and after a busy week I finished my first shift! Everday is an interesting day when living with 7 teenage girls. They keep you on your toes! I have loved every minute of it though. Getting to know the girls has been such fun. They each have their own personalities and each one adds a special feature to the house. 

My days now consists of making sure the girls get to school, running them around (to swim practice, cheerleading tryouts, work, and doctor appoints),  cooking dinner (yes..that's right…I'm really learning to cook!), and everything else that involves raising teenagers! 

I'm excited to get to know these girls even more and build our little Silliman family. On Friday I head back to work and start the week off with one of the girls going to her military ball…and then leave for our spring break to Arkansas bright and early Sunday morning!

Prayer points:

1.Continued prayer for Acheru, the staff, the kids, the caregivers, and the development!
2. Relationships with the teenage girls!

3. That I would continue to seek God in this new role as a family teacher.

Resty and Olivia modeling their new clothes they got in the mail. 

Daisy modeling her new outfit!

Out and about on the farm at Thornwell!

Our home sweet home: Silliman Cottage.

I get the joy of driving around this 14 passenger van daily!

My second successful meal for the girls: Philly Cheesesteaks

Cooking with her brother

Living with teenagers also means a lot of selfless are taken.